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                                                  Discover the main features of our sheet metal followers

       AP1 - AP2 CNC-controlled interpolated axes                                                                     Bend as closed as 70°
Light solution, easy to move                                                                                                           R axis -30/+170 mm; maximum die opening 100 to 160 mm
 Adjustable according to the size of the workpiece                                                            Brush and support shaft dim. 350x900 mm extendable up to 1200 mm.
  Improved shop floor efficiency                                                                                                    Active or inactive modes that can be controlled directly on
Less physical strain and safety risks                                                                                              The sheet follower to avoid any safety risks
       Protection from counterbends and scratches                                                                        (LED light located on the sheet follower). 

High tech industry park,Bowang town,Maanshan,China


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